Friday, September 23, 2022

All This "Machinery Of Death" Is Fundamentally BROKEN. Alabama Man Strapped Down To Die -- But Prison Guards AGAIN Cannot Find A Vein?!

Damnation. Just imagine: you are already strapped down, on the bed. . . the guard is already digging into your arms / and later, your legs. . . to try to find a service-able vein. To pour poison into you. To end you. [Backgrouner here; search for a dozen more on this topic in the box above left by putting in "death penalty".] How torturous must that be? Knowing they are actively working to kill you. . . and you CANNOT stop it. . . for hours, perhaps.

This scraping and digging, into your veins. . . goes on for hours and hours. . . without ever finding a wide enough vein. Then shortly before midnight, the State of Alabama just. . . calls it all off. Stitches your wounds shut, and. . .

You are unstrapped, and wheeled back to your cell on death row. But you've been watching them try to kill you, helplessly for. . . hours already. That's EXACTLY what Alabama just did. Of course the man is a murderer. But that is both cruel, and unusual -- it does not comport with civilized penal interests -- at all. If this doesn't ring in as torture. . . then we need to rethink whether we are a civilized society, at all.

Here is The UK Guardian on it:

. . .Prison officials in Alabama abandoned an attempted lethal injection of a man on Thursday after trouble accessing his veins, two months after the state was accused of “cruel and unusual punishment” when it spent three hours executing Joe Nathan James.

Alabama halted the execution of Alan Miller, who was convicted of killing three people in a shooting in 1999, after they determined they could not get the lethal injection under way before a midnight deadline.. . .

We need to face the fact that we cannot reform this incoherent, deadly, awful and now nearly random non-system we cling to. End it. Out.


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