Saturday, August 27, 2022

[U] Special Master? Who Cares?! The Documents Are... OURS, Not His...

Well, here on a Saturday, a Trump appointed judge in Miami has (without even hearing from the government, I might add) just said it "hereby provides notice of its preliminary intent to appoint a special master in this case. . . ."

Honestly, if this will shut Baby-T up. . . I don't care. The documents are being reviewed, and they clearly contain evidence of Trump's felonies under the Espionage Act.

All the master will do -- if appointed -- is say which of them may be used at trial.

None of them go back to Tangerine -- they are ALL OF OUR documents. As in. . . "We the people. . ." so either way, he loses.

And the government will offer its position by Tuesday night in 22-cv-81294, and Trump must respond by the very next day.

All the while, in DC the AUSAs are poring over the evidence -- in fact, they may already be done. [Updated Sunday morning 08.28.2022: I always feel better about my conclusions when they dovetail with the immensely well-informed EmptyWheel. And mine of yesterday. . . do so, in spades -- though (as ever) she makes the "too late" argument far more cogently, and with far greater granularity, than I ever have. Sweet!]

This order -- if it comes at all -- will very likely be too late. . . when or if it actually issues. There is plenty of extrinsic evidence to convict Trump. . . already. If a few of the documents are ruled inadmissable at trial, it is of no moment.

Trump has not even delayed (let alone quashed) his indictment, even if he gets all he asks for. What a moron.

And we may start to see evidence of the already recovered and completed search results (as I speculatively said last night), when Thomas Barrack's seven count felony trial opens in Brooklyn in mid-September 2022.



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