Saturday, August 27, 2022

Sat. Morning, Over Coffee: This Is Likely Why Merck Is Collaborating With ORNA -- A Future In Oncology With oRNA...

About a week ago, we mentioned that Merck could spend multiple billions with much smaller ORNA Therapeutics [very cool animated graphic on splash page, there!], if milestones for the development of so-called "oRNA" candidates are passed.

The claim (and hope, at this point) is that ringed, or "o" RNA will be more stable in situ, and in transit through the human body -- yielding a better final delivery proportion, on target. This, as compared to standard "mRNA" vaccines (and potentially oncology therapeutics).

So it is that our coffee-infused musings remind us that at least in part, assuming the "o" approach holds up, Merck will be able to avoid entirely the global patent spats (and resulting running royalty payments to either Moderna, or Pfizer). . . keeping all that gravy, for their own (and ORNA's) table.

Of course, the oncology arena for oRNA or mRNA approaches is still likely a decade away, as we said this week -- but this is a very sharp, and horizon-focused, bet on the future by Merck.

And it may end up that both Moderna and Pfizer will ultimately owe royalties to Merck, for the "oRNA" technical know-how. Sweet!

Onward to outdoor family movie night -- be excellent to one another. . . . it was 45 years ago, exactly, as of tonight -- dancing to sounds of Kool & The Gang. . . and a warm Coors, later, on the steps of Regents' Hall. . . a first kiss. I can even still smell the sweet summer night's air in Boulder. . . here almost a half-century later. Smile.


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