Wednesday, December 22, 2021

[U: FDA Approved] While There May Be Some Additional Cancellations -- Merck's Lagevrio® "At Home" COVID Pill Will Still Be A Mega-Blockbuster, Globally...

Updated @ 12.23.2021 AM: Both the Merck and Pfizer pills are now FDA cleared. Good news for both. End, updated portion.

The French public health authorities have opted for Pfizer's pill. A disappointment to Kenilworth to be certain, but even so -- a little further north -- the British have upped their Merck order.

Net, net -- this continues to support my thesis that Merck will sell tons of the pills -- especially as it seems to work well against the Omicron variant. In any event, the most important fact here is that humanity will have a series of anti-COVID tools: therepeutics for sick people, and vaccines -- to pre-empt a need for the therapeutics. Here is the up-sized order announcement:

. . .[Merck] today announced that the United Kingdom Government will purchase an additional 1.75 million patient courses of molnupiravir (MK-4482), an investigational oral antiviral COVID-19 medicine. In the U.K., Lagevrio® is the planned trademark for molnupiravir. . . . [W]ith this additional procurement agreement, which follows a previously announced agreement for 480,000 courses of treatment, the U.K. Government has now committed to purchase a total of 2.23 million courses of molnupiravir. . . . [Ed. Note: separate French story, from Reuters follows.]

[Elsewhere,] France has cancelled its order for Merck & Co's COVID-19 antiviral drug following disappointing trial data and hopes instead to receive Pfizer's competing drug before the end of January, the health minister said on Wednesday. . . .

All in all, we have so much to be thankful here at year's end. . . and now, my middle guy is here grinning at breakfast conversations. . . in the warm sunshine on the deck. . . (youngest guy on road here, soon) so we are at peace, now. We have been so, so fortunate with all our extended family. Much for which to be thankful. All healthy, hearty and whole. Onward. . . .


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