Tuesday, November 30, 2021

While We Await A Verdict In Miami... Rep. Omar Graciously Follows Up -- And Rightly Calls Colorado's Boebert Out, As A Pattern Islamaphobe / Racist.

The intended "apology" call ended abruptly when Rep. Boebert would not publicly. . . apologize (to all Muslims of good faith), and then doubled down, on her racist invective. Rightly, Rep. Omar hung up on her. [This is an update to my holiday weekend post on the white nationalist moron Boebert, here.]

No person need listen to another's abusive invective -- when the representation was that Boebert was calling to express remorse. Now, she shall reap. . . the whirlwind, sez Condor. See at right -- but the most troubling aspect of all of this is that the official GOP position. . . is not to take any position on the ongoing, repeated pattern of hateful anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-gun-sanity invective from Boebert's on video, on record. . . remarks.

Rep. Boebert should not be allowed to claim a seat from Colorado. Her brand is to demonize any non-white, non-"Christian" and non-gun-toting person. . . she reads about, or encounters. F U G L Y.


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