Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Federal Multi-District APPELLATE Panel Proceedings In Cincy... Mean That These District Court Rulings, On The Vax Standard... Will Be Soon Swept Away...

Two separate federal judges today purported to enjoin the Biden OSHA vaccination measures.

But applicable federal law sets out that the already underway Sixth Circuit (appellate) multi-district consolidated action will make the final, and binding call.

That is, it is hard to imagine any plaintiff coming up with a claim not already set to be resolved in Cincy, by an able appellate panel. So, while these "enjoined" headlines will sell some newspapers in Louisiana and New Hampshire, tonight. . . they mean nearly nothing.

What matters is how soon the Sixth Circuit starts hearings, on the merits -- and that could now come by December 11 or so.

Do stay tuned -- but you may safely ignore the trial level courts. This WILL be decided by the Sixth Circuit, and then, Condor predicts -- a Supremes decision against that. . . will be highly unlikely. Onward.


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