Wednesday, November 17, 2021

[U] Watch A Black Hole Rip A Smaller Star Apart... [And A Chaser Of... Rittenhouse.]

So. . . I meant for this one to be pure fun, but I've just learned that the Kyle Rittenhouse jury in Kenosha has asked to see the so-called "drone footage" of him, again.

This is certainly bad for Kyle.

In that footage, it is clear that Kyle has lied on the stand, in his own defense testimony. Kyle said, about Mr. Rosenbaum (the first fatality), that Rosenbaum "grabbed the barrel" of his AR-15. Rosenbaum appears in that video, to be at least five feet away, admittedly lunging, but five feet away when Kyle fires four shots in an instant, with the fatal shot (according to the Coroner) hitting Roesenbaum in the back. In the back, as he was going to the ground. That is not self-defense, folks.

Okay -- now we return to lighter fare, literally -- that's all this is below folks, no other content -- but very cool CGI:


1 comment:

  1. And. . . I'll resist the urge to comment on exactly why Matt Gaetz might want young Kyle as an intern. . .

    But I do wonder how many Congressmen have ever made public job offers to murder defendants, still awaiting a jury verdict.

    . . .Florida congressman Matt Gaetz said he thought Kyle Rittenhouse would make a good congressional intern and said he may contact him to make the job offer happen if he's "interested."

    In an interview on Newsmax on Wednesday, Gaetz spoke up in defense of Rittenhouse, saying he deserved a "not guilty" verdict even as a 12-person jury continues to deliberate the verdict.

    "He deserves a not guilty verdict, and I sure hope he gets it because you know what, Kyle Rittenhouse would probably make a pretty good congressional intern," Gaetz said. "We may reach out to him and see if he'd be interested in helping the country in additional ways
    . . . ."

    That's. . . insane.

    [But I think it won't ultimately matter, as I expect a conviction, perhaps as early as this afternoon. Can't really work on the Hill, while doing ten, from a jail cell in Waupon Correctional in Wisconsin.]
