Wednesday, November 17, 2021

As We Said -- Artemis May Not Put Boots On The Moon Before 2030 -- If... Ever.

I'll make short work of this, since we've discussed it at length earlier -- most recently, in January 2021.

Here's the story, from The Verge:

. . .Last week, NASA announced that it was bumping back plans to send humans to the Moon from 2024 to 2025, but according to a new report, the delays could be even more significant. More realistically, such a landing will probably take place several years after 2024, the report claims. . . .

NASA’s Office of the Inspector General, which does periodic audits of the space agency’s various programs. . . took a comprehensive look at NASA’s Artemis program, the agency’s ambitious initiative to send people back to the Moon [and largely found it un-compelling, on an economic basis, compared to the scant science to be fostered]. . . .

Now you know -- and we still need that next gen space telescope renamed -- so that will be the second graphic here. Grinning just the same, though, as baby girl flies home, in just a few hours -- from a solid year on the sunny Mexican surf coast. . . do be excellent to one another! Out -- into the gray skies, here now. . . .


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