Monday, October 4, 2021

Two Things, Apparently In Opposition... May Well Be True -- At Once.

The New York Times has a much better opinion piece out, on Elizabeth Holmes' object lessons, this morning. She is neither a martyr, nor a 100% demon (though she is likely closer to the latter than the former).

That is in contrast to the last opinion in that newspaper I mentioned, about two weeks ago. That women are still placed behind men, and especially in life sciences and tech, is an absolutely true -- and awful feature, not a bug -- of US workplace (and overall) society:

. . .Although it feels somewhat shameful to admit now, I was [while an undergrad at Harvard] a little jealous of what Ms. Holmes had achieved. She wasn’t struggling up a ladder; she’d leapt straight to the top. She came off as intellectual and nerdy, unlike the sleek Instagram-filtered “girl bosses” with their marketing shticks. I didn’t realize we could do that. . . .

If there isn’t a way for women to thrive at the top, it doesn’t get easier downstream. In 2020, women earned 82 cents to each dollar men earned. And despite all the recent hand-wringing around how our performances are leaving men behind academically, a recent study found that women a decade out of business school working full-time at for-profit companies were making just 74 cents to each dollar made by men. . . .

And, Ms. Holmes will soon face up to 20 years in federal custody, a fate she brought upon herself, all by. . . herself (when one is a girl boss, one must also accept that one has. . . agency). Both are true. Onward, smiling. . . at a new term, at the Supremes -- a blockbuster docket on tap, to be sure, here on the first Monday. . . in October [even with the most conservative six, in many decades, taking their seats]. And yet, I think Roe v. Wade will survive. I do.


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