Monday, October 4, 2021

[U] Should We Expect To Hear... From "Anonymous" Shortly -- After Yesterday's FB Whistleblower Came Forward, On "Sixty Minutes"?

UPDATED 10.05.21 AM: It was likely self-inflicted. End update.

While this could all be just a dumb-founding coincidence. . . I suspect it. Is. Not.

One day after CBS aired some pretty credible, on the record material by an inside-Facebook whistleblower, we see that it -- and many of its affiliated properties -- have been 404-ed, at once.

I suspect we will soon hear from a hackivist (or three): The MSM has it thus, at the moment:

. . .Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have apparently all gone down simultaneously, in a major outage.

The social network and the Facebook-owned platforms all stopped working around 11:30 a.m. ET Monday morning according to the site Down Detector.

Users going to Facebook's site saw an error page or an onscreen message that said, "Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on it and we’ll get it fixed as soon as we can."

Instagram and WhatApp are not showing new or updated content. On Instagram, messages including "Couldn't Refresh Feed" or “5xx Server Error” appeared. . . .

Now you know. . . onward, grinning. [I long ago disabled all my FB feeds / repostings. It has been just a dead shell -- for five years, minimum, now.]


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