Tuesday, September 14, 2021

This Is What Tangerine's Ongoing Stain On The GOP Looks Like: A Wipeout, In California

Welp. I could not be happier: the Trump-endorsed candidate in California. . . did nothing more than divide the GOP into split camps.

That led to the effective end of any recall effort, for the Governor in California (speaking as of this evening, local time -- and so. . . this is Condor's version of "future-casting" -- by just a bit). It seems -- as I've written about Georgia previously (and Herschel Walker's candidacy) -- the MAGA forces are more interested in destroying the GOP, than winning any actual elective office. Perfect.

And so -- all I'll say is. . . "have at it, boys!" [To be sure, they are almost all. . . boys.] Here's CNN on it all:

. . .[I]n Elder, Newsom gained a direct target who he could argue was "to the right of Donald Trump" and who would take California "off the Covid cliff," citing the experiences of Florida and Texas and their conservative anti-mask-mandate governors as the model Elder would follow in responding to the pandemic.

Elder's long history on the radio and as a columnist provided reams of controversial statements for opposition researchers and journalists to scrutinize on other topics, like his disparaging comments about women -- a key demographic for Newsom. . . .

And -- any time a misogynist (Elder or Walker) flames out. . . I will cheer from the roof-tops. In truth, based on multiple post 1600 Penn. events. . . Tangerine seems to believe the 1950s gender roles are his preferred model. Again -- have at it boys. That time has. . . died. Onward, to yet another win -- in California by morning tomorrow. Out, grinning. . . .


1 comment:

  1. Per the NYT’s after-midnight reporting:

    . . .Gov. Gavin Newsom is speaking now. “No is not the only thing that was expressed tonight,” he says. “We said yes to science, yes to vaccines, yes to ending this pandemic. . . .”

