Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Tangent: Young Virgil Griffith Goes On Trial In Manhattan In Two Weeks... 20 Year Sentence Possible.

We have mentioned this felony case in passing a few times before. [As an update, Condor predicts that he will not escape trial by arguing that former FBI agents (in an unrelated investigation) accessed his warrant-specific Palantir data-base, without the AUSAs' prior knowledge or consent.] No. . . he will have to face the [North Korean] music. . . .

Condor further refers all erstwhile readers to the fine Inner City Press summary of the latest pre-trial hearing's to and fro'. Here's one bit -- as a teaser -- but do go read it all:

...Judge Castel: Griffith's statement, I'll try to become wealthy enough to pay my bail *is* relevant, I'm not going to exclude it. On TOR and the Dark Web, the government is not going to be permitted to wander there but some specifics, on his c.v. [will be allowed]. . . .

Onward, ever grinning. . . Bitcoin is recovering slightly, and so too -- is Riot.

But that won't last very long, despite Ms. Cathie Wood's call for ~$500K Bitcoin in five years. Silly. So... have a great day -- fall colors starting to appear here. . . .


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