Friday, September 10, 2021

Live NASA / JPL Video-Conference: The Mars "Mining" Era Is Officially Underway...


This is "mining" for science (signs of ancient water, and thus perhaps. . . life) -- not pecuniary profit.

This is all a drill / core / search analysis to look for signs of how life might have evolved on another world -- and perhaps even been transported to our little blue life-raft, by a meteor strike.

The subsequently-released briefing indicates that the rocks found so far contain. . . salts -- and salts deep within them. . . are powerful evidence of liquid water, "running over the rocks, from the basement of time". . . to use Norman Maclean's poetic turn of phrase (like the words, under his timeless raindrops, raindrops that fell on these long ago river rocks).

That is what all this goofy-miner stuff is ultimately about. Worthy science, indeed.

So here we go:

Have a great weekend, one and all. And as ever, do be excellent to one another. Smile.


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