Saturday, September 11, 2021

Seven Count Felony Case Against Trump Mega-Fundraiser Barrack Moves Forward -- Next Appearance Early November 2021...

On this poignant twentieth anniversary, we'll take a renewed look at a true billionaire -- one who's been a traitor to this nation, in secretly working for the interests of a brutal dictatorship, while adroitly manipulating the fecklessly-moronic (tangerine-hued) prior occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania -- one Thomas Barrack (all allegedly). [But the documents in evidence are damningly clear.]

Here is the entire updating report (from a status conference that I missed, whilst one mountain pass away from his home confinement digs, at right) -- and a bit:

. . .The government intends to seek designation of this case as complex pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(B)(ii). Mr. Barrack believes this decision should be deferred until the next status conference so that there is parity of access to discovery materials before Mr. Barrack takes a position on complex case designation. . . .

Counsel for Mr. Barrack has requested a bill of particulars from the government. The government has advised counsel for Mr. Barrack that it believes the indictment satisfies the pleading standards of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 7(c)(1) and that a bill of particulars is not warranted in this case. . . .

The parties respectfully request that the Court schedule the next status conference approximately 60 days [out]. . . .

Now you know. Do be thankful for our freedoms this day. And be excellent to one another. . . smile.


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