Tuesday, August 24, 2021

O/T: But... Hilarious! "Brain-Damaged" (By His Own Sworn Criminal Domestic Abuse Defense Court Filings!) Herschel Walker To Now Split The GA GOP Vote -- And Guarantee Democratic Senator Warnock Keeps His Seat.

I will just leave that whole story right here. You couldn't make this stuff up, if you tried.

But it would seem the Tangerine wing wants only to destroy the GOP outright -- not win any actual elected national office, in the Peach State. [He was a great running back, and I do not doubt that concussions have played a role in how his later years are turing out. . . but it would seem that his very public troubles disqualify him from holding a Senate seat, on fitness. I do not mean to demonize mental illness -- but I'm pretty sure most Americans, and Georgians, in particular. . . see that as a "bridge too far." That, and oh -- and he thinks. . . Tangerine won in 2020.]

Hushing now -- but grinning, ear to ear. Senator Warnock and Stacie Abrams must be grinning too. . . .


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