Saturday, August 21, 2021

Discussions To Settle Ms. L Refugees' Class Action In San Diego Continue To Make Progress...

Even as the Biden Administration, in Texas, appeals completely-detached-from-the-law rulings of a purely political bent -- to thwart the changes in immigration policy envisioned by the winners of the last national election cycle. . . the Biden Administration is resolutely winding down all opposition to humane treatment of those detained as they cross our borders.

So it is that in both San Diego and Los Angeles federal district courthouses, discussions continue for the terms of the federal government agencies' acquiescence to the long standing treaty and federal law obligations [this one is in the San Diego / Ms. L. case]:

. . .Order Setting Further Settlement Conference:

A Zoom Settlement Conference was held before Magistrate Judge Mitchell D. Dembin on 8/18/2021.

A further Zoom Settlement Conference is set for September 27, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. before Magistrate Judge Mitchell D. Dembin. On or before September 23, 2021, counsel for each party must email to the Court at the name and title of each participant, and an e-mail address for each participant to receive the Zoom videoconference invitation.

IT IS SO ORDERED by Magistrate Judge Mitchell D. Dembin on 8/18/2021. . . .

Now you know -- ten days until the crisp, clean but thin high Rockies air calls me home again, for about nine days off-grid -- and that's after a wonderful classical in the parks season finale, under the stars, by the lake last night. . . grinning, ever. . . grinning.


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