Thursday, February 18, 2021

USDC Judge Tipton Just CANCELED The Preliminary Injunction Hearing Due In Houston, For Tomorrow -- Weather Likely?

I am running it to ground now, but a minute order was just entered -- on PACER, in Houston. . . to the effect that tomorrow's midday Zoom hearing is. . . canceled. People are dying; people are freezing; people are still being deported, in Texas. What gives, Your Honor?

The most likely bet would be that Judge Tipton, or some of the lawyers, are without power -- or running water -- and thus cannot make the Zoom appearance. Even so, though -- it is still possible that Judge Tipton will simply rule tomorrow. Not likely -- but possible.

. . .Preliminary Injunction hearing set for Friday, February 19, 2021 at 10:00 am is cancelled. (KelliePapaioannou, 2) (Entered: 02/18/2021). . . .

More as I learn it. Even with all of this, I am candidly smiling widely. . . that we are sitting like a hot coal, moaning in the winter night's sky. . . on Barsoom. Five by Five. Grin. . . .


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