Friday, February 19, 2021

As Of This Morning, The US Has Officially Rejoined The Paris Climate Accords. With Small Steps, Back -- Toward Sanity.

We may quibble that the Paris accords don't do enough to solve the looming crisis of our age. [But "perfect" is often the only real enemy of the. . . good.]

We would be right. We should be working for. . . more, to be certain.

For. . . better. But doing nothing, and withdrawing from our role on the planet (as under Tangerine). . . was absolutely the wrong approach.

So, as Texas sees what climate change does to local economies (and utilities) long ruled primarily by privatized "regulatory capture", and Republican-donors' avarice -- we are gratified to see Mr. Biden moving us back onto the world stage, as a leader -- no longer a 19th-Century-policies driven. . . dinosaur.

And now. . . we are off, smiling -- out into the chilly sunshine, to make more three-foot-deep snow angels. . . by the lake -- heh.


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