Monday, February 8, 2021

The Able USDC Judge Dana M. Sabraw In San Diego... Seeks Views From Counsel On Latest Biden Administration Reunification Orders, In Ms. L. Class Action

This is very encouraging -- just entered this afternoon, down in San Diego.

Judge Sabraw is openly (albeit impliedly) advising Sarah Fabian (she is apparently "still on the job," in this and all other asylum/immigration federal cases pending in all three sub-Districts, in California) that he expects to see a far more cooperative visage, when next this matter comes up for status in early March:

. . .ORDER Re: Joint Status Report.

In preparation for the next status conference, the Court requests the parties' input on how the President's February 2, 2021 Executive Order on the Establishment of Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families affects this case.

Counsel should include their positions on this issue in the next Joint Status Report.

Signed by Chief District Judge Dana M. Sabraw on 2/8/2021. . . .

This sort of thing is spreading like wildfire, throughout the trial level federal courts, as Mr. Biden reutrns us to honoring the rule of law.

And I am. . . of course, grinning. . . now.


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