Monday, February 8, 2021

[U] Ebola 2021 Resurgent: Although the WHO hasn't yet made an announcement...

Here is a video (at bottom) from Reuters, reporting in country. And while it is only one case, at the moment -- there will be more. That is simple epidemiological / biological fact. And, this -- we should realize -- will be the way with COVID-19, years after the vaccine is widely available. There will still be people who resist vaccination -- and there will be (hopefully less-lethal) mutations, some of which the vaccine may not fully-protect against. Rather somber news, but it is. . . the truth. We must prepare for it.

Significantly, on the 2021 Ebola case, the Democratic Republic of the Congo itself has confirmed the death near Butembo, a recurrent hot spot.

. . .A new case of the Ebola virus has been detected in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo near the city of Butembo, and the infected person has died, the health ministry said on Sunday. . . .

[Update WHO statement] The World Health Organization said in a statement that its epidemiologists were investigating, that more than 70 contacts of the victim had been identified and that disinfection was underway of the sites she was known to have visited. . . .


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