Monday, February 22, 2021

Justice Thomas Wrote An Incoherent, And Self-Contradictory Dissent, As The Supremes Let The Nov. 2020 Pennsylvania Election Results "Dubious Challenges"... Die.

I note it solely for the preservation of a complete record.

It appears at the tail end of the order list this morning that also ends Trump's chance of stopping Cy Vance's subpoena of his tax and financial records, in the Big Apple, an order which is understandably getting much wider coverage. . . in the popular press, today. It likely means jail for Trump.

But it should not go unnoticed, that -- for Thomas to pen this dissent (at about page 30 of that pdf file) -- he had to abandon every purported claim of "judicial modesty" he (often along with Scalia, when Scalia was still living) ever made.

He only now tells us that there are some disputes, by his cock-a-mamey lights -- even when it is clear that the Supremes (as here) possess no standing to hear the case. . . the Court should hear -- and resolve -- matters well beyond its jurisdictional reach.


Because his delicate political senses. . . wish to overturn the will of a clear majority of his fellow Americans' lawful votes. In sum, because his guy didn't prevail.

Yup. Thomas is now clearly a bought hack.

Again, because his guy. . . lost.

That is in no manner. . . American. That is. . . insurrection, against her. Disgusting.

But Thomas seems cool with it. Let that echo through history, in eternity, with his and his wife's names.

I'm out.


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