Monday, February 22, 2021

Cy Vance Will Shortly Have Access To The Mazars / Trump Financial Records -- For Criminal Investigative Purposes -- In The Big Apple

The wheels of justice, it is said, turn very slowly. . . but they tend to grind. . . the accused, to a very fine powder, in the end.

So it is that the former occupant of 1600 Penn. this morning is learning from his defense lawyers that an Empire state level felony criminal inquiry proceeding, and a Big Apple city level similar proceeding, both believed to have empaneled grand juries, will now be able to promptly execute subpoenas on Tangerine's accounting firm, called Mazers LLP. The Supremes just now rebuffed T's final effort to avoid the legal processes all the rest of us must live by, without any additional comment:



The application for a stay presented to Justice Breyer and referred to the Court is denied. . . .

And, yes -- I am grinning ear to ear. The likely bank fraud and tax fraud set out in those documents each could lead to ten years, so twenty in total in New York state level prisons. That, finally, would be at least some measure of rough justice. Onward.



  1. I don't know..I think an agreement will be reached to pay a fine with no admission of guilt. Just like what happened in the Russian money laundering he was charged with way back when....IMHO.

  2. I hear you, Anon. -- and you may well turn out to be right.

    I do think what is likely a 25 plus year pattern of avoiding paying anything remotely approaching his lawful share of his income taxes in New York state. . . may be enough to get a minimum security assignment for a few years.

    It all depends on how outrageous the proof is.

    And knowing him, I'm willing ot bet his shamelessness shines through, quite brightly.

    Just as we saw already, with his charity buying portraits of him, for inflated cash sums, and turning the proceeds over to him, personally. If the files are filled with BS like that. . . I'm going to bet a jury will convict, and a judge will jail.

    So, Cy Vance and Leticia James may have a strong enough hand to say, in effect -- "no deal -- not without real jail time."

    That should be the deal.

    Or at least, I can hope. . . Namaste.

  3. Another wrinkle in the suit:

    If Trump stalls turning papers over, it could get more complicated.

  4. Thanks, and I do hear you. . . but the papers are in his accounting firm's hands.

    Tangerine's in Florida -- and these papers are in a locked file cabinet, or locked conference room, where Trump cannot get to them or destroy them -- except for archival copies, he now has no right to them; not the originals -- they are subject to a lawful felony grand jury "hold order", served at 135 West 50th Street, many floors above the street -- many months ago, in midtown Manhattan. Hilarious!

    Cy Vance will simply. . . go get them.

    Trump cannot stop the NYC law enforcement officers from arriving at the accountants' offices to collect the documents, even if by some crazy imagining, Mazars partners decide to defy what now amounts to a written United States Supreme Court order.

    Trump doesn't pay them well enough -- for all those partners to risk going to jail, and losing their CPA licenses, over defying what amounts to an order of the USSCt.

    Should be entertaining, from here. There are literally no more avenues to delay, for Tangerine.

    And. . . Cy tweeted yesterday that the work in his office goes on, regardless.

    Grinning here. . . . stay tuned!

  5. Just a minor update -- Cy Vance's office has confirmed that the millions and millions of pages of tax and financial documents from Mazars (related to Trump) are in his shop -- being reviewed by career prosecutors, and forensic accounting experts, now.

    G R I N N I N G !
