Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wow. Just... Wow. Imagine Telling A Federal Judge That Your Business "ONLY" Left About 1,000 CREDIBLE Death Threats Against Specifically Identifiable Officials Up And Viewable. Wow.

To make the above statement. . . is to admit you are not even remotely doing the first job of every chat board -- public safety. [I have debated about whether I would actually link Parler's filing of this afternoon, but I think the world needs to know this is how the CEO and his lawyer think: leaving (for example) over 1,000 posts explaining to terrorists how to conduct another 9/11 attack, with specificity? No. Big. Deal. "We'll just put it on our glitch list, for clean up in a few weeks. . . ." Think of Dennis Nedry, the programmer in the original "Jurassic Park", here -- only a million times worse (at right).]

But this is exactly what Parler's CEO is arguing in reply to the AWS filings. "Hey -- so, we didn't get around to deleting these last 1,000 credible death threats, and disclosures of ways to operationalize the threats -- but we did delete at least 25,000 specific threats, after January 6, 2021. . . ." No biggie, right?!:

. . .After Twitter banned President Trump on January 8, the increased new users and activity caused Parler to go down for seven hours, resulting in a backlog of 26,000 instances of content that potentially encouraged violence. Peikoff Dec., ¶ 13; Matze Dec., ¶ 9. However, over the next two days, Parler was able to systematically remove almost all of this content, which progress was reported to AWS, and within 48 hours by the end of Sunday -- when AWS shut Parler down -- Parler had removed all but some 1,000 problematic posts. . . .

This. Is. Insanity. It only took one posting for the Tree of Life Synagogue domestic terrorists to do what they did in Detroit.


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