Wednesday, January 13, 2021

[U] AWS Moves To Protect Its Employees And Attorneys -- Since Parler Members Are Issuing Specific, Named Death Threats...

UPDATED -- Hearing set: ". . .Telephone Conference via ZoomGov set for 1/14/2021 at 10:00 AM before Judge Barbara J. Rothstein." End update.

The solo lawyer in Washington state, for Parler, ought to be more than a little concerned that he may soon have real blood on his hands.

I had said two weeks ago from Arizona that things would get worse before they got better -- and I do not intend to cover all of the "worse", here. . . but this much needs to be seen in public. Low information people making the argument that this is censoring good people ought to read all of this sworn pleading out of Seattle overnight.

In it, AWS seeks, and will be granted, the right to seal the identities of certain employees and executives, as well as other "triangulating" details, since Parler members are threatening repeatedly to kill them. Including the company's outside trial counsel.

Disgusting -- but they will not succeed. And, to see screen shots of the vile things these miscreants are threatening, click here. I won't print it out in full, on this blog. But each person who authored one of those posts (and they are known, or knowable, via actual picture IDs -- on the AWS servers' archived copies of Parler's member applications), will be picked up by local law enforcement for questioning, in pretty short order. The entirety of this ill-starred litigation will be dumped very shortly, by the able USDC Judge Rothstein in Seattle.

In a more positive vein, I think we need some Cynthia Ervio to remind us "where we are going. . ." -- now, in just one week:

Be excellent to one another -- always. . . I'm. . . out.


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