Monday, December 7, 2020

[U: 12.15.2020 -- Audio Of Argument] In Exactly One Week, TikTok Will Be Argued Before The DC Circuit -- In An Appeal From A Complete Loss, By Team Dotard.

UPDATED: Here is a link to the full mp3 audio file, of the argument. As I predicted -- Ms. Brinkman for TikTok and ByteDance simply buried the government -- as did the peppering questions from the DC Circuit panel of jurists more broadly. End update. Baby T lost here.

This will be. . . a brutal ten minutes, for the would-be lamb, sent as a. . . snack-rifice, by Team Orange -- to try and defend the nonsense -- to the capable Appeals Court jurists.

We will live blog it. But for now, one week out -- just know that there is no Universe in which the suppression by the government, of such pure speech on US soil, could survive scrutiny.

This alone causes us to awaken. . . smiling.

And, even if it were lawful -- it is not -- it cannot be accomplished as a technical matter. Onward -- to a fun week ahead.


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