Sunday, December 6, 2020

A More Likely Fourth/Fifth Monolith: In A Remote Northern Nature Preserve In The Netherlands... Solidly-Frozen Into A Bog...

I still think it possible that the Joshua Tree one is genuine -- and that so-called arts collective group has just drafted onto the hype cycle, looking to make $45,000 a throw. . . but if "the Joshua" is not a genuine McCracken, this latest one may well be. It appears to have been there for quite some time, the sheen having dulled over time, presumably from sediment / weather / deposits, and it is. . . frozen into the bog, now. There were no recent footprints near it, in the bog (which would readily preserve such evidence) -- so perhaps more than one annual cycle of snow / freeze / thaw / growth has passed since it was placed.

So it -- like the Moab one -- may have taken years for the public to "discover". But to be fair, it too might be a low brow stunt. Here's the story, as we are getting it:

. . .On Sunday morning, a group of people on a morning stroll came across a towering metal structure in the heart of Kiekenberg nature reserve.

The monolith, near the village of Oudehorne, was covered in ice and surrounded by a small pool of water. . . .

We shall see. . . but I am now given to wonder what other lines. . . might intersect with the Moab-to-Aldeboarn "global meridian" -- smiling. . . .


1 comment:

  1. Hey you -- once, at 4:21 am on June 2, 2023. I'll answer at the address you visit, now -- and in my own name. Are those kiddos the greatest, or what?!

