Here is a bit -- do go read it all, at NJ.com:
. . . .The plan is expected to impact about 65 jobs at the animal health site in Boxmeer, a town in the southern Netherlands.
The Boxmeer site, which has a total of 1,700 employees, will continue to have research and manufacturing operations, Merck said.
Merck Animal Health formerly operated as Intervet. . . .
This may well be some additional fallout from the scrapping of the Merial/Intervet Sanofi-Aventis deal. Even so, it does appear to be a scaled-down sub-part of the overall 2010 New Merck Dutch Oss/Organon closure plans -- plans which resulted in "relay strikes" in front of the Oss governmental offices, by the affected legacy Organon workers -- for several months, back then. Even the Oss plan was ultimately scaled back -- due to local Dutch grassroots pressure.

Time will tell.

More lay offs expected at MSD Animal Health Boxmeer (The Netherlands). More news at the end off June/beginning of July