Thursday, February 8, 2024

We Ought To Be More Mindful Of Our Obligations... To Our No. 1 Trading Partner (Where We Import The Most, By Dollar Volume): Mexico...

As of the end of 2023, the US has made Mexico (by dollar volume). . . its number one import trading partner.

As of year end, this means China has been moved down a peg, to number two. [In truth we still import lots of Chinese minerals for EV batteries, and APIs, the "raw materials" for drugs -- as well as silicon chips, storage devices and circuits, obviously.]

But instead of live blogging the Supremes this morning (we are confident that Tangerine will lose the Colorado case), I thought I'd note the irony of Texas's unlawful cruelty to people arriving -- seeking asylum -- at our southern border, all while Texans enjoy the vast benefit of having less expensive farm goods, finely-woven cotton cloth clothing, and textiles in their homes, all sourced out of or through. . . Mexico. The tractor/heavy duty truck parts in Catepillar machinery rolling around in East Texas. . . they too almost all are built in Mexico, by highly-skilled, but lower wage-earning. . . Mexican workers.

And that's before we talk about all the labor people without documents do, inside Texas -- while paying US taxes, in full -- to keep Texas restaurants open, parks clean, trees trimmed and gardens looking lovely. [And any Texan with eyes, and a heart well knows this: the state would close up, were it not for all the undocumented people helping them, and even caring for their children, in their homes. . . day by day.]

Mr. Biden realizes we need to treat our No. 1 trading partner with more respect. Tangerine never did. And despite his bluster, he regularly sucked up to the autocratic Xi.

The times. . . they are. . . a' changin'. . . grin. Be excellent to one another.



  1. ewwww....SCOTUS not too supportive of CO:

  2. But, staying on course, reasons to support immigration:

  3. I think. . . the Supremes will say Colorado is a state. It has states' rights.

    It has exercised them, only inside its borders.

    Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does NOT say. . . "only if other states don't complain". [Nor does any of the legislative history; it gives each state this right -- and it allowed other states to keep former Confederate officers on the local ballot, if they saw fit to do so.] Colorado made a local -- not national -- decision, after a full trial and appeal -- one that Tangerine vigorously appeared in, and opposed. He. . . lost.

    And the late Antonin Scalia himself said. . . this is the correct way to read that clause.

    But. . . we shall see. I'll go out on a limb and guess 5-4 in favor of Colorado.

    And good on 'ya, on the labor report!

    Namaste. . . .
