Tuesday, February 13, 2024

I Expect USDC Judge Ezra Will Grant Only A Short Extension, Since We Are Now Reading Of Live-Streamed Armed Vigilante "Hunting Parties" In Del Rio.

This is a very volatile -- and evolving -- situatiuon along the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass, Texas. Apparently, heavily armed bands of roving vigilantes are selling online access to live-cam streamed "Huntin' Parties" (per Wired.com) -- each night, down there.

Gov. Abbott will be personally liable for any subsequent bloodshed, there -- as he is the whole reason these embittered loons are roving about -- with AR-15s on their backs. So the able USDC Judge Ezra in San Antonio cannot get a trial and decision entered quickly enough. He will jump on it, we predict. Here's the latest motion, now that online docket access has been restored this afternoon:

. . .The United States and Texas request that the Court vacate the current case schedule and order the parties to meet and confer on a new discovery and pretrial schedule. . . .

Several of the deadlines set forth at the January 19 status conference and in the Court’s subsequent orders, see ECF 69, 73, 75, will pass in the near future, including the close of all fact discovery (February 16) and disclosure of expert reports (February 22). Vacating those deadlines would provide certainty regarding the Parties’ obligations until such time as the Parties are able to confer regarding a new schedule and the Court is able to enter an updated scheduling order in light of the Fifth Circuit’s temporary administrative stay and subsequent order denying Texas’s stay motion. . . .

The idea that Texas wants lawless, heavily-armed liquored up bands of dead-enders roving its scrub brush terrain in SUVs at night. . . is hard to stomach. But here we are. Onward. Who are. . . these people?!


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