Sunday, February 4, 2024

GOP / MAGA Gov. Kristi Noem Banned From Oglala Sioux / Pine Ridge Territories -- By Indigenous Peoples' President -- Over Her Hateful Border Rhetoric...

The feckless cluelessness these GOP governors display. . . is jaw slacking. Many of the people living in South Dakota have been on that land for nearly a thousand years prior to the arrival of the "illegals" -- the whyte men and women, from across the ocean.

Yet here in 2024, it is [whyte] Noem trying to prevent the distant brothers and sisters of the Oglala, the rightful owners of all this land, from entering the place upon which Noem and her ancestors are. . . lawless squatters.

Damnation. I applaud this very well phrased response from "Frank Star Comes Out".

Here's the story, in full -- and a bit:

. . .A South Dakota tribe has banned Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from the Pine Ridge Reservation after she spoke this week about wanting to send razor wire and security personnel to Texas to help deter immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and also said cartels are infiltrating the state’s reservations. . . .

“[To preserve] the safety of the Oyate, effective immediately, you are hereby Banished from the homelands of the Oglala Sioux Tribe!” Tribe President Frank Star Comes Out said in a Friday statement addressed to Noem. “Oyate” is a word for people or nation.

Star Comes Out accused Noem of trying to use the border issue to help get former U.S. President Donald Trump re-elected and boost her chances of becoming his running mate. . . .

Of course, the Sioux teach that we belong TO the land, not the other way around. And of course, they open their arms to all who come in peace. They are, in a word, far "better" -- as humans, than the small-minded, embittered Noem (or Abbott or DeSantis) will ever be.

Yes -- this nonsense must. . . end. These rogue "governors" need to accept that their people (in the Dakotas, especially!) will literally starve, without the. . . rest of us, supporting them (and her). Soon enough, Tangerine's whole schtick will be in the review mirror.

Onward, grinning just the same.



  1. Interesting turn in the Republicans: she is no angel but, it is interesting that she raised the issue.

  2. I hear you.

    Indeed -- Haley is no angel.

    She just says whatever she thinks (in the moment) will attract the most new votes.

    Her "base" is so small, that any leaning to the left. . . should help her win some new votes (she apparently thinks). . . so now she's saying states do not possess a "right" to withdraw from the Union.

    Hmmm. Sounds a lot like "the Civil War was about states' rights, not slavery", to me.

    In the end, she won't. . . matter. Just as Kristi Noem won't either -- even if Tangerine should choose her as his Veep candidate.

    That team simply cannot "find enough new voters" to be able to defeat the Democrats, who've added almost 6 million new voters (turned age 18) just since 2020.

    That's. . . game over for the GOP.

    Great input though!

    Namaste. . . .
