Friday, February 9, 2024

Even AFTER Infection With Ebola, Risk Of Death Cut In Half By Receiving A Vaccine: DRC Observational Study -- At Doctors Without Borders...

This is no surprise.

I note it primarily to tamp down the claims by so-called vaccine skeptics. In likely the most lethal viral vector known to the planet, the vaccines double one's chance of survival, even after being adjudged symptomatic. That's. . . a big win:

. . .An observational study conducted by Epicentre, Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) medical research and epidemiology centre, the results of which are published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, shows for the first time that vaccination can halve mortality among people infected by Ebola.

Conducted in collaboration with the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB) and the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the study analysed data collected during the 10th Ebola epidemic in the DRC.

The results revealed that of the 2,279 confirmed Ebola patients admitted to an Ebola health facility between 27 July 2018 and 27 April 2020, the risk of dying was 56 per cent among unvaccinated patients but fell to 25 per cent for those who had received the vaccine. This reduction in mortality applied to all patients, regardless of age or gender. . . .

Now you know -- and good news for Merck, to be certain. Now, out into the sunshine, and steel and glass canyons, with temps over 30 degrees above normal for mid-February here. Smile.


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