Friday, February 16, 2024

Alexei Navalny, 47, Murdered By Vladimir Putin Overnight.

"It's better to die, for an idea that will live -- than to live. . . for an idea that will die." -- Bantu Steven Biko

Mr. Navalny reportedly lost consciousness in an arctic prison cell sometime yesterday — and has died.

He was 47. His crime? Opposing Putin. Peacefully.

Putin tried to poison him four years ago, in Germany. He survived. Then, on his return to Russia — fearless, but perhaps foolish — he was jailed and ultimately handed a three decade sentence.

Putin is a coward. He cannot meet criticism with reasoned discussion.

And Tucker Carlson is a churlish pig, for his servile broadcast interview of Putin last week, and his propaganda pieces on how Moscow’s trains are “spotless and running on time”.

I wonder why Carlson (ever a supporter of vigorous dissent -- or more precisely, grabbing big payoffs to say provocative stuff) didn’t ask Putin why he hasn’t freed Mr. Navalny — last week.

Oh well. Too late, right, Tucker?



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