Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Sacklers Are “Eviscerated In Prose” In New Netflix Series: “Fall of the House of Usher”

There’s a Netflix eight part series that weaves most of Edgar Allen Poe’s stories into a 21st Century setting. . . where the telling of the “House of Usher” is plainly the Sacklers and its “Fall” is due to a drug called. . . Ligadone (a highly addictive pain med).

The sister’s whole visage -- makeup and wig -- closely resembles a member of the actual Sackler dynasty (as pictured in my graphics at upper left).

And Mark Hamill (!) plays the family’s ghoul of a lawyer!

Do catch it! Every bit of it resonates -- and Poe's "Raven" flies through it all (warning: intense gore and violence).



  1. Not sure what to say about this: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/boom-imitation-ozempic-went-bust-160446228.html.

    very similar to the pain medication epidemic....wait until all the long term use side effects kick in~

  2. I agree. . . we are already seeing those side effects appear.

    So -- this is a new one, now.

    Thank you so much -- as ever!
