Thursday, January 4, 2024

Odds-Bodkins. Overnight -- And Across ALL My Life Science Reviews -- I've Been... Swarmed (Benignly, It Seems) By Chinese IP Addresses...

Well, this is new, for 2024. [Though in truth, for most of the first half of 2013, I saw similar unexplained / inexplicable traffic, from both China and Central European IPs. I later figured that one out, to be honest. I was missing something obvious, until after July 10 2013, that year.]

This time, I haven't a clue. And to be clear, other than Humanigen (a company we covered here, from time to time) having finally thrown in the towel, and filed a chapter. . . I cannot imagine that any recent life science happening would interest state actors in the PRC. Here's that bit:

. . .Humanigen, once a favorite among Wall Street investors due to its prospects against COVID-19, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Wilmington, Delaware, Bloomberg Law reported Thursday, citing court papers.

The company listed $521K worth of assets and over $44M in debt in its Chapter 11 petition filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. . . .

I suppose this might be of interest to Chinese state actors (for its COVID-19 treatment candidate implications), but. . . more likely than not, it is just an indexing of all med- and life sciences happenings in the US that leads to the Chinese swarming.

That said, I am truly sad to report, as a pure epilogue. . . that Humanigen has filed a chapter today. It has endured much. At one point about three years ago, it was being touted as a potential for a COVID-19 therapeutic, only to miss in the main study of that potential candidate. But it did persist, and survive -- despite the Shkreli frauds in 2017. . . to today.

But I think this is the end of the line, for Dr. Cameron Durant's leadership -- he did a great job, but the chemistry just didn't pan out. In truth, there is not much to move forward with, at the company now.

Ah well -- onward, grinning.


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