Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Gov. Abbott: Feckless Fool. A Quite Silly -- And Sad -- Letter. Abbott Apparently Thinks He Is The Final Arbiter Of The US Constitution. Clearly, He Is NOT.

A wildly hard right/MAGA blog has just posted Texas Gov. Abbott's "insurrectionist's manifesto" letter of today.

It is all sad beyond words -- in the level of misunderstanding (in his head) about how our system of ordered liberty -- and federalism. . . works.

Mr. Abbott seems (like Tangerine, before him) unable to grasp that, after Marbury v. Madison (i.e., for over two centuries now), when the United States Supreme Court rules on a matter of federal law. . . that answer is both final, and definitive. Unless and until the Congress changes the law. . . Gov. Abbott is sworn by oath to uphold and defend the Supremes' ruling here.

That he does not do, today. He threatens a Gov. George Wallace moment -- then at the University of Alabama doors -- now, in Shelby Park, Texas.

He may find his men under. . . arrest, and charged with obstruction. But you know both he and AG Paxton are too big a pair of cowards, to be there in person. To be sure, though, they may be charged (just like Tangerine was, after J6), after the fact -- if his Rangers impede the DHS or the CBP agents, in any manner now.

Out. What a bunch of putzes.


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