Monday, September 25, 2023

The Zetia® "End Payor" Settlement Fairness Hearing Concluded Last Week, Against Merck and Glenmark...

In federal court in Norfolk, Virginia -- we see what hubris hath wrought. In sum, the opinion and final order are likely to come in the next couple of weeks -- capping some 15 years of federal litigation in multiple district- and state-level courts, about wildly overcharging insurance companies and the federal government for a supposed cholesterol management drug. . . that was essentially a placebo. That's a Fred Hassan legacy, in truth -- and the multi-billion dollar related sets -- of settlements, to be paid by Merck (and Glenmark).

This is but one of literally hundreds of older (2009-ish) posts, on the topics -- and a June 2023 one of my backgrounders, here. In any event, here is the full text minute order that indicates a final opinion will be forthcoming -- for over $687 million:

. . .[Minutes from] Fairness Hearing re All End-Payor Plaintiffs:

Unopposed Motion for Final Approval of Settlement and Entry of Final Judgment and Order of Dismissal (ECF #2158), and All End-Payor Plaintiffs Motion for Award of Attorney's Fees, Reimbursement of Expenses and Incentive Awards for the Class Representative Plaintiffs (ECF #2160). Counsel present. (See attached for names of counsel present for the hearing.)

Comments of court and counsel heard.

Court reviewed the proposed Order with the counsel.

Court to prepare an Opinion to enter with the Final Order. Court adjourned. . . .

Now you know -- but these are precisely the boxcar numbers we predicted, nearly 16 years ago (from Fred Hassan's deceptive marketing hubris -- on this "very expensive placebo"). Damnation.


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