Monday, September 11, 2023

Eagle Pass (Texas) Razor Wire Floating Barrier Removal Order: The Biden Administration Files In Fifth Cir. To Oppose Any Stay Beyond Seven Days, Ending Friday.

Yes. The law is clear.

And Texas cannot manufacture a set of facts that. . . haven't been found, and therefor don't exist -- precisely because Texas came into the West Texas trial courts. . . without a leg to stand on.

The sole goal of the state of Texas, under GOP MAGA Gov. Abbott. . . was purely cruelty -- and (as a hoped for bonus!) venal state level interference, in US / Mexico close foreign relations -- a topic reserved exclusively to the federal government. No role for Texas, at all, here. In sum -- a loser.

It may take a Supremes' hearing -- but Texas will lose, thus -- in 31 pages of muscular argument, from the feds:

. . .[T]he district court found that the barrier is an obstacle to “critical discussions between the two nations” on Rio Grande water delivery that are at a “sensitive stage.” Order 38. In light of Texas’s conduct, Mexico cancelled a July meeting of those negotiations and “indicated that they are less inclined to conclude an Emergency Minute by the end of the year while the buoy barrier remains in place.” Exh. I-B:70; ECF 5-4 G-22 ¶¶ 17-18. The district court also found that the barrier threatens implementation of the 1944 Treaty between the United States and Mexico and has resulted in humanitarian concerns raised by Mexico “at the highest diplomatic levels. . . .”

Ignoring all that evidence, Texas relies on diplomatic statements asserting that the relationship between the United States and Mexico is currently strong. Mot. 19. But as the district court pointed out, the “unprecedented strength and collaboration between the countries currently means the U.S. has more to lose than ever as a result of Texas’s actions. . . .”

What a putz this Abbott joker is. A completely. . . feckless buffoon. And a cruel, embittered one, at that.



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