Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Fifth Circuit's Political Opinion Is... Meaningless. The Supremes Will Decide This.

Just as we said in April 2023, the only time the long-existing federal rules on the so called abortion pill (FDA approved since early 2000; expanded in 2016) might change. . . (if at all) is after the Supremes rule, next year, thus:

Updated 04.21.2023 @ 7 pm Eastern -- the time out is now permanent until the Supremes rule on any future appeal out of the Fifth Circuit. End update.

I won't even link the Fifth Circuit's nonsense -- deciding that an FDA approval by a federal agency during the Bush43/Cheney first term (and never before challenged in 23 long years!) may be invalidated, four administrations later. . . on an APA claim. . . no less, is just. . . silly. It is trash-bin liner fodder, already.

So it is on to the Supremes, come mid 2024. Out.


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