Tuesday, August 8, 2023

[U: Judge Rules -- No, To Waiting!] Tangerine Doesn't Get That He's NOT In Civil Court, Any More...

He'd been ordered to pick two days, on or before Friday, August 11, in a FELONY matter, in federal court.

He thinks it wise to flaut that order. He "wants" both his lawyers to be there.

That is not among his choices. That is WHY he has two, not one. Either may cover for the other. That will be the able USDC Judge's response. This will go forward. Likely Thursday, now.

The thumbing of his very large nose at a very capable DC Judge -- a woman of color, in a felony matter. . . is immensely unwise. Buckle up for some. . . fireworks.

Old Tangerine could get a few days in the can, for contempt -- yet, pre-trial -- if he keeps this up:

. . .By Minute Order on August 7, 2023, the Court directed the parties to meet and confer and inform the Court, by joint notice, “of two dates and times on or before August 11, 2023 when both parties are available for a hearing.” The parties have conferred and hereby provide notice. The Government is available at any time on August 9, 10, or 11.

The defense [Trump] represents the following:

President Trump will not appear. However, he would like to have both his counsel John Lauro and Todd Blanche at the hearing. Todd Blanche is not available on Thursday, since he must appear for a court proceeding in the prosecution brought against the same defendant, President Trump, by the Special Counsel in SD Florida. Mr. Lauro is available on Thursday, with a preference for an afternoon setting. However, since we lost Friday as an option, we would respectfully request a setting on Monday (after 12:00 p.m.) or Tuesday (all day) to allow for both Mr. Blanche and Mr. Lauro to be present
. . . .

That's. Not. How. This. Works.

His statement (at right) looked like a threat, aimed at witnesses to his indicted felonies.

This is. . . going to bite him.

He's "not in Kansas, any more. . . ."

Updated, after 6 pm Eastern -- The able USDC Judge just chose Friday at 10 AM. No surprise. That means it will be only one lawyer for Tangerine. ". . .MINUTE ORDER as to DONALD J. TRUMP: The court hereby schedules a hearing on the parties' respective protective order proposals in this matter on August 11, 2023 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 9. The requirement of Defendant's appearance is waived for this hearing. Signed by Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on 08/08/2023. (lcc). . . ." He better get his sh!t together. End, update.




  1. Meanwhile, on the southern front: https://www.salon.com/2023/08/08/ex-us-attorney-jack-smith-may-need-to-politely-tell-cannon-to-butt-out-after-latest-order/. Still think she learned from her past errors?

  2. Yours is a very sensible take, here Anon.

    And Cannon remains a partisan player, true.

    But it seems increasingly clear to me that Jack Smith doesn't intend to actually try the documents case, in Miami. At least not as his first trial. It is a dead bang winner, but the difficulties in presenting sealed evidence (th top secrets in the stolen documents, mostly). . . in order to get a conviction. . .

    may mean he is sort of "intentionally" or at least. . . casually. . . letting her muck it up. . . delay things. [No, he will try the DC case first.]

    Meanwhile, up in DC (and soon now, in Georgia!) the trials will come swift, and sharp and. . . hard. There too, in DC -- Smith has a dead bang winner, and it paints Tangerine in a bright scarlet shade of. . . treason/insurrection. [Georgia will make him out to be an inept. . . mobster.]

    One of these others may get a conviction even before the trial in Miami opens.

    So, don't be surprised if the Miami indictment is mostly being used by Mr. Smith as a tool, for applying pressure -- all about flipping his underlings -- Nauta and De Oliveira. . . to testify against him in exchange for immunity (or at least, shorter sentences).

    We shall see.

    But I am certain that Tangerine is in deep trouble on all four. . . and he will end up in jail over at least one or two of these (counting Georgia as already baked!).

    Namaste -- and great stuff! Do stop back!

  3. I agree, the Orange Clown is in deep do-do. BTW: when originally filed in Miami, one of the pundits on MSNBC said the same thing as you; trial would first be in DC AND that Smith deliberately did Miami to get Cannon early on.

    Mr. Smith goes to Washington...a new movie~~!!

  4. Ding!

    Precisely correct!

    Namaste. . . .

  5. And in DC -- the able USDC Judge Chutkan is not going to suffer his foolishness gracefully (nor should she! these are felonies!):

    . . .“Even arguably ambiguous statements from parties or their counsel, if they can be reasonably interpreted to intimidate witnesses or to prejudice potential jurors, can threaten the process,” Chutkan added later. “The more a party makes inflammatory statements about this case which could taint the jury pool. . . the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly. . . .”

    Buckle up, buttecup!
