Saturday, August 26, 2023

Moving Forward, 60 Years On... Still So Much... Undone.

Certainly the gains won ought to be celebrated and remembered.

Just as certainly, the influence of today's MAGA GOP wing -- on national and local politics -- is a strikingly disturbing echo of the second rise of the Klan, in almost exactly the same role, from about 1905 to 1923.

In my life-time, this is the first time I've been genuinely concerned that equal, genderless rights under the law. . . might wink out of existence. From attempts to decrease female autonomy in certain states -- over their own bodies. . . to escalated violence against humans for no reason other than their skin color. . . to broad daylight, openly violent attacks on LBGTQ+ humans. . . and the renewed rise of "sundown" towns, again. . . this is indeed. . . a perilous time.

Locally, one party super-majorities (as we've mentioned, in Sumner County, Tennessee, for example). . . though claiming to be "Constitutional" Republicans -- they are actually... fascists, trying to stamp out any opposition, to their ultra-repressive, one "religion" only, pre-Magna-Carta form of fiefdom rule.

So it is that over 10,000 are expected on the Mall, Monday.

I may just hop a flight and join them.

Time to reignite -- and rise up. Rise up, to protect what so so many bled and died for.



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