Thursday, July 20, 2023

This Is Unfortunate -- And Could Lead To Stock-Outs, And Limited Supplies Of Pfizer Drugs, Later In 2023...

Apparently an F-3 tornado has dramatically damaged the Rocky Mount manufacturing/finishing facility in North Carolina, run by Pfizer.

The AP picture at right, this morning. . . truly reflects catastrophic damage, especially when one considers that much of those hundreds of thousands of square feet of plant space will need to be rebuilt as clean room facilities. Much tougher -- and longer -- rebuild than say at a rubber tire / steel belted radials plant. Yikes. Here's a bit, with video at that link:

. . .Pfizer tweeted Wednesday employees at the plant were able to follow protocol and evacuate, with everyone being safe and accounted for. . . .

"We are assessing the situation to determine the impact on production," a second tweet from Pfizer stated. "Our thoughts are with our colleagues, our patients, and the community as we rebuild from this weather incident. . . ."

Thankfully there were no significant injuries or loss of life, when it hit, unlike [as we then reported] just a year ago when a larger central Illinois (Edwardsville) Amazon facility was demolished by tornado, but it seems workers were not timely warned, nor allowed to timely evacuate -- or call loved ones.

We all, collectively, must do. . . better.


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