Friday, July 14, 2023

Tangent: On SBF -- InnerCity Press Nails It! SBF Is Not THAT "Special". What Is With This Jamoke?!

Yesterday, SBF's lawyers filed a motion to exempt certain visitors to his parents' home from both signing in, and from any security guard search for prohibited devices, while meeting with him.

Let us not forget -- this is an indicted felony defendant, on home detention. That is, were he in a jail cell, being held until trial NO ONE could meet with him without signing in, and leaving cell phones and laptops behind. [Except his legal counsel.]

These people are clearly not those -- since the existing orders already simply and fully, exempt retained felony defense counsel.

So, Matthew Russell Lee, for his InnerCity Press is absolutely entitled to have this specious list unsealed.

SBF is at home -- as an indulgence from the court, and a waiver of the applicable felony detention rules. . . That doesn't -- in any manner -- bestow upon him special "secrecy" entitlements, as a matter of right.

This list will be public. And other than his father and mother, who own and live in the home where he is "detained", I can think of no reason NOT to sign in. The owners should be allowed full access to their home, subject to the prior orders of not allowing or aiding SBF in violating pre-trial detention precautions, there.

Nice public service work there, Mr. Lee! Well done!



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