Sunday, July 23, 2023

First Time In 15 Years(!) -- Pfizer Spent LESS Than Merck, On Lobbyists, In Q2 2023... Only $2.48 Million [Merck Hit Nearly $3 Million].

We will offer the analogous Merck LDA disclosures tomorrow -- but I wanted to give Pfizer its due here: despite being about 30 per cent larger than Merck, for the first time in my memory, it refrained from spending a ton on lobbyists in Q2 2023.

Of course, it could be that the company has assessed (likely correctly) that very little legislation will pass in this fractured, partisan environment. [OTOH, Pfizer has filed no strike suit against US health agencies, in contrast to Merck's / Mr. Davis' choice to do so -- in what is now widely regarded as largely a bit of MAGA/GOP infused political grand-standing.]

So -- the lower spending may be transitory here -- if Democrats recapture all chambers and keep 1600 Penn., in 2024. We shall see -- but Pfizer's categories of ear-bending involve the following:

. . .Drug Pricing, Support of Biosimilars, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Rebate Reform, Vaccine Infrastructure/Excise Tax, PDUFA, Pandemic Preparedness/PAHPA. . . .

Medicare Part D, Rebate Reform- PBMs, Out-Of-Pocket Costs, Government negotiation on Medicare, Antimicrobial Resistance, March-In. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform, International Tax Reform, OECD Profit Allocation, U.S. Manufacturing Credits, Build Back Better Act, Minimum Tax. . . .

International Supply Chain/Buy America; Harmonize International Drug Manufacturing Standards; Global Access to Medicines; Foreign Market Access Issues (including IPR). . . and

TRIPS Waiver, Bayh-Dole March-in-Rights, General IP Issues. . . .

Now you know. . . but do note that Pfizer is lobbying on negotiating with Medicare, rather than litigating about it. Grin. . . . G'night.


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