Wednesday, June 28, 2023

With Three Forceful New Supremes' Decisions (Striking the Invidious MS, LA And NC Maps), It Is Clear The Court Will Not Allow A Return To Jim Crow By A Gerrymandering State Level GOP...

There were solid majorities (in the past two weeks), even inside the GOP appointed US Supreme Court wing, to vote in support of the notion that even in ruby red, GOP controlled states, these state-level legislatures and governors cannot ignore the commands of the federal 14th Amendment. In sum, the preposterous MAGA claim that state-houses alone get to decide what a "fair racial map" looks like. . . is now effectively. . . dead. [Didn't these jokers read Marbury v. Madison in high school?!]

Because in nearly every case, the gerrymandering attempts sought to dilute cognizable brown and Black voting power, it is plain the GOP sought a return to Jim Crow, albeit in white velvet gloves.

With the highest court quashing these odious efforts, it is very likely that the state level GOP organizations will see losses on the national stage, in general elections in 2024.

In fact, when this SCOTUS impact is amplified by the wave seen in local Virginia primaries last week, the GOP as a brand may be. . . in danger of dying out. The most straight-forward reading of Virginia's Summer 2023 results is that whyte suburban college-educated married women in red or purple states are abandoning their decades long GOP voting patterns, in a ferocious protest voting bloc -- against the oozing, dripping misogyny embedded in last year's Dobbs decision.

Can't say we didn't warn those doddering, embittered old whyte male coots who pretend to run national politics.

Their time draws to an end, now -- it would seem. Smiling. . . even though our throats are quite raw here, in the pale orange haze of this morning, in the City of Big Shoulders -- due to a second wave of Canadian forest fires' smoke plumes. . . ugh. Onward.


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