Saturday, June 3, 2023

Well -- This Is... Preposterous! The Tenn. AG Johnathan Skrmetti Just Claimed On Air, That All Federal Court Jurisdiction Is Limited To Shelby County, In The State.

Just a dose of reality, here: that is a federal court order, entered after midnight last night.

F E D E R A L.

These are not-not-not... mere county courts -- of limited jurisdiction, as to county borders. The AEA "law" was held unconstitutional on its face, by a federal judge. It happens he's a Tangerine appointee, too -- but his ruling applies, per force, statewide.

The AEA is unenforceable, anywhere inside the Volunteer State (that is the limit of the state legislature's prior reach), all as the AG will find out Monday morning -- if not before, when he tries to appeal. But don't be conned by these would-be brown-shirts. [We all now know the doors of all the Alabama public universities were opened -- state wide, not just in Tuscaloosa, folks -- despite what Geo. Wallace said. Same here.]


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