Saturday, June 10, 2023

Update, And New Post -- Epilogue, On Why PhRMA Won't Join The Merck Suit Against CMS And HHS...

Updated -- 06.10.2023 @ Noon: Here about five days later, the US Chamber of Commerce has said it will also bring an offensive suit, on the same general allegations, as Merck's of early last week. No surprise there -- that a dyed in the wool pro-capitalism organization would do so. [The notion here is that when it comes to millions of seniors having to choose between eating -- and affording their monthly meds. . . well, that is a deeply deplorable set of circumstances in any post-industrial society.] No. . . what is interesting. . . is who is NOT filing suit:

What is interesting about that is that PhRMA, the trade group for pharma companies. . . has remained silent about a suit. Of course, PhRMA has published white papers, and so on -- but will not sue the feds on this. Mr. Davis should think deeply, about why that is so. . . and ask whether he really thinks this suit serves his shareholders' interests, long term (or just his own egotistical ones).

I don't want to overstate this, but as one of my earlier ones last week indicated, on the Merck suit. . . the surprise there is that, given how many good lawyers Mr. Davis has at his disposal. . . he decided to follow his own counsel, rather than. . . theirs.

PhRMA's decision not to officially join, in the sprawling federal litigation battle. . . is solid proof of that (by omission).

Onward, grinning. The Tangerine perp walk will dominate Tuesday. . . and we will be smiling the whole day. As I say, onward -- there are very likely still more indictments to come, here -- from the DC federal grand jury, as well.


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