Sunday, June 25, 2023

As A Very Significant Pride Parade Kicks Off In Franklin, Tennessee... The Friends of George Will Win ~$420,000 In Legal Fees, From The State's Coffers...

The wildly-successful lawyers, aided by Morrison & Forrester, who, as a highly effective team, shut down the preposterous "no men in skirts dancing in public" laws in Tennessee (locally out of the federal trial court in Memphis) -- appropriately filed last week -- to recover the over $420,000 in legal fees and expenses it took to bring Gov. Bill Lee to heel, there.

I note it as the Pride Parades kick off around the nation at noon today. And I especially note the parade (which is renewed this weekend) in Franklin, TN -- the one that was the genesis of this dispute, and the patently unconstitutional "law" Gov. Lee signed.

Here is the petition (fixed the link; bad typo at first) which will mean the state's taxpayers to have to pay around $420,000, for about 60 days' work -- since Gov. Lee would not admit that in Franklin, back in 1977 -- he himself would have been putatively in violation of that silly "law" -- at the mid-field of the public high school football field at Homecoming. It will be a winner -- the law is crystal clear that this was a patent violation of the first amendment.

So it goes. "We, the People" are free people. And. . . if you don't like how we dance (or the make-up and sequins) -- feel free to walk away, or avert your gaze.

End of story. Grinning. . . .


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