Friday, May 26, 2023

So -- The Settled Zetia® Antitrust Class Action May Not Be Quite... Over, Yet.

We may yet see separate trials -- for some of the insurers who've opted out of the global Zetia® antitrust settlement.

Which might (emphasis might) mean increased damages, beyond the likely $1 billion already known. Here's the latest from Norfolk, Virginia's federal district courthouse, this afternoon:

. . .ORDER.

In light of the concerns expressed by Opt-Out Plaintiffs Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Humana Inc., and Centene in their [2128] Motion Seeking Clarification of the Court's Order dated May 3, 2023, and Plaintiff United Healthcare Services, Inc.'s [2130] Notice Regarding Forthcoming Motion for Remand, the court STAYS the May 3, 2023, order, ECF No. [2121], pending further briefing on this matter and a hearing, if necessary. Defendants are DIRECTED to state their positions regarding the court's May 3, 2023, order and the Opt-Out Plaintiffs' responses thereto within ten (10) days of the date of this Order.

Additionally, Plaintiff United Healthcare is DIRECTED to clarify whether it formally opposes remand at this juncture within seven (7) days of the date of this Order. Signed by District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith on 5/26/23. . . .

Now you know. Onward, into a beautiful long weekend, here -- grin.


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