Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Space Is Indeed... Hard. Hakuto-R Hard Landing / Crashed, Dead Stick -- Into The Moon. Ugh.

Just as we said this past weekend, when Elon's rocket failed to reach orbit / failed to separate the stages. . . space is indeed. . . hard. Very hard. The moon? Harder, still. [Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto? Totally off the chart hard. But NASA did it all.]

So, I suppose (once again) this indicates just how utterly amazing it is that NASA has helicopters flying on Mars autonomously -- 50 missions without a glitch.

My condolences to the Japanese iSpace teams.

Here's the preliminary word, out of India:

. . .A private Japanese mission failed to land on the Moon on Tuesday night. The Hakuto-R mission, at the moment, appears to have crash landed on the surface following a fast landing attempt with the UAE's Rashid rover.

"We have not been able to establish communication and we have to assume that we could not complete the landing on the lunar surface," ispace officials said in a live stream. . . .

Onward. . . sadly. . . but. . . ever, onward.


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