Thursday, March 9, 2023

Team Tangerine Again Tries To Flim-Flam The Courts, In Two Jurisdictions -- With Prevaricating Delay Tactics. Y A W N.

I note it here not because it is in any manner surprising -- but because in civil courts, like these -- this is often. . . lethal.

Team Tangerine is lying in two courts at once, about civil cases that have been pending for six and seven years. And now he is going to claim that his need to run for preznit is more important that answering in the courts, for his dishonesty. This will be droll. Here's the latest letter cross-filed in New York state court:

. . .We write with respect to the Court’s December 13, 2022 Order, ECF 507, which set a “firm” trial date of January 29, 2024 in this action, to bring to the Court’s attention recent filings by Defendants in People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump, et al., Index No. 452564/2022 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty.) (the “NYAG Case”), that not only seek to delay the trial in that case, but also propose a new schedule that (believe it or not) would appear to conflict with the firm trial date set by this Court, a date that was set based on Defendants’ representations and assurances -- indeed, at their request. . . .

This is. . . just. . . deplorable conduct by the former "leader" of the free world. Not surprising. Just. . . disgusting. Out.


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